LOGOS Global Vision e.V.
Solinger Str. 26
34497 Korbach
Phone: 05631 - 987 77 77
Email: info@logos-global-vision.org
Organisational tasks
Counseling (fixed appointments)
Counseling by telephone
Seminar preparations
Prayer (info@logos-global-vision.org)
Public relations (bigge@logos-global-vision.org)
Administration of donations (bigge@logos-global-vision.org)
IT and Donor Communication (hanxleden@logos-global-vision.org)
LOGOS Global Vision e.V.
Postfach 20 08 15
53138 Bonn
Phone: 0228 - 92 66 78 35
Email: daniel@logos-global-vision.org
The branch office is managed by Daniel Ondieki and organizes seminars and trainings, which also take place bilingually (German and English).
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Köln
IBAN: DE54370205000001233000
KTO: 123 3000
BLZ: 370 205 00
P O Box 201 944
Durban North 4016
E-Mail: ralf@logosglobalvision.co.za
Brach manager is Ralf Doepke